Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Orange Chicken

So my mom works every day from 2-8 at night. So that leaves my dad and I on our own for dinner. My mom always buys us these orange chicken things from costco. So I kid you not.. I ate orange chicken for two weeks straight... Now whenever I think about orange chicken I want to throw up.


It kind of hurts my brain trying to think about weird abstract things like love. I feel like this is a terrible topic for high schoolers. Everyone thinks they are in love and that they found the one, no sorry that's your hormones speaking. I feel like love is something that you won't know how to describe until it happens to you. Well since I don't know how to define love, I figured the dictionary could help. Love- an intense feeling of deep affection.


I have been trying to get gifs on here for like 2 hours and I finally got it... so here..:)


I miss being a kid more than anything. I miss having no drama. I miss having my biggest worry be what my mom packed me for lunch that day. I miss girls have cooties. I miss how awkward it was when you'd get "married" on the swings because you and the girl next to you were both swinging evenly. I miss nap time. I miss 8:15 school.

Attendance School

No matter how many times I have to wake up at 5:50 AM for attendance school, I will still have a tough time waking up for normal school at 7:45. I don't know what is wrong with me but I can make it to attendance school on time at 6:30 but not school at 7:45. Maybe I should just start going to bed at like nine. Senior year and I still can't wake up in the mornings.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Are We Human..?

Since this post is about humans I figured it would be a good idea to find the definition of human. So I looked it up.. and obviously there was a bunch of different definition of the word human, but one of them stood out to me. Human-of or characteristic of people as opposed to God or animals or machines, especially in being susceptible to weaknesses.  I don't know that just really stood out to me. We all of weaknesses, That's part of being human                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Monday, October 20, 2014

It's The End...

It's so crazy that we are almost done with high school. Twelve years of school and we are finally done. We are probably never going to see each other again. Except for the few best friends and high school sweet hearts. Everyone has to grow up and go pursue a career. Some of us could even just become homeless bums. I know i have nothing to miss right now because I am living it, but I know that next year I will miss it more than anything. I don't know where this is going but I'm just going miss all the wonderfully weird people of high school.

Brick in the Making

As kids we all want to be someone important, but as we get older our expectations for our lives decrease. Everyone as kids say they are going to be the President of The United States, an astronaut, or a super hero. But as we grow up we start to settle for not so cool things like truck drivers and garbage men. By the end of high school we're just so burnt out that we really couldn't care less what we end up being.

You get what you get...

It feels like kids these days are so spoiled.. I mean I know I'm one of those kids, but I really wish parents would make their kids actually work for things these days. What are all these kids going to do when they move out and have to pay for everything on their own..? I don't know. Maybe it's just kids in this area who drive nice cars and carry around daddy's credit card..


Sunday, October 12, 2014


To be honest... I really wish there was never anything like social media. Don't get me wrong, social media has some good things about it. I just feel like social media is the least social kind of media. If boys had to pick up girls face to face and none of this meeting online crap. I just feel like the world would be a better place. I would love to be able to have a full conversation with my friends friend without anyone checking their phone for retweets and favs. Just a thought...

How to Make PB&J